Monday, June 11, 2012

"Beware False Prophets"

Now that the oligarchs, plutocrats and their army of enablers have clearly demonstrated that they are, quite unabashedly, totally amoral in their assault on the people and institutions of the State of Wisconsin, we need to pause and reflect, not only on what has happened, but what is likely to continue unless we have the will and the determination to draw a line in the sand and say, “Enough is enough!” What we have witnessed is pure evil in its darkest and most virulent form.

About all it has proven is that truth is at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to shouting down the manifest lying that seems to be at the foundation of anything having to do with the will or the ambitions of the Republicans in order to reduce this nation to little more than a pile of rubble. Thanks to the dubious wisdom of the euphemistically labeled “Supreme Court,” it has proven itself to be nothing more than the facilitator of the greatest effort to rip this nation apart by its partisan interpretation of the law in order to make absolutely certain that “those who have the most will always get the most.” They have not one modicum of integrity and they have proven to the world, unequivocally, that their genesis could only have come from the loins of the scum that gave them life. But, as seems to always be the case, it is the good and decent among the people they are sworn to protect who suffer at the hands of their partisan mindset and their misguided concept of what they are about. The prince of darkness must be pleased.

The Supreme Court, having laid the groundwork for the rapacious onslaught of big money, has been, as in most cases, instrumental in what looks like the march of great wealth to the sea, leaving in its path nothing but a barren wasteland of empty promises and broken lives. Their greatest cheering section has to be all those who profess to have an inside track with “God” and all deemed by them to be just and holy. As once was famously uttered by a sage of free enterprise, “Tea Partiers and the Religious Right, Ya done good!”

That posturing takes me back to an earlier time in my life when I was a young husband, a new father and a convert to the religion that was, and still is, a challenge to me and the moral compass that has guided me through some tough times in my life. That is personal and not for me to impose on others. But I, also, don’t want others to engage in efforts to convince me of the truth of what they believe and the folly of what I have chosen to believe. At the end of the day, I am duty bound to accord the same deference to others as I have every right to expect in return.

On one occasion, at the conclusion of the first Mass by our new pastor, we were among the parishioners who were greeting him. My family and I were lined up behind a particularly prominent member of the parish who was not the least bit modest about all her many contributions to the church. She was so convinced of her special relationship with the Deity that she was absolutely overbearing. The priest respectfully listened to the litany of all she had done for God, country and faith. When she paused to take a breath, the priest quietly said, “I am not so much interested in how you talk your faith, Mrs. Castle, as I am in how you live your faith.” He stopped short of adding, “Do you use God or do you serve God?” Those few words have stayed with me throughout my life. They have helped to keep me and my commitment to that faith in perspective.

It seems to me there is almost a cataclysmic explosion in the growth of those who espouse some type of special relationship with “God” in all His manifestations. It is as if there is no escape from the absolute truth of every kind of divine revelation they claim. Those who are the “true believers” have no reservations about the infallibility of what they call their “religion.” At the end of the day, probably ninety-nine percent of those have never crossed the line from what is their elementary and simplistic system of beliefs to what they would have us think they actually, in truth, know. That is the stuff of zealotry and demagoguery. How many in the Tea Party have gone on to serve in government and have actually demonstrated that all they so adroitly peddle is in anyway credible and provable? They haven’t got one shred of verifiable evidence to back up anything they assert as being absolute.

I would submit that most of those who bear the label of “fundamentalist,” or evangelical” would likely fall into that category. How many of those professing to be followers of “God,” simply use their religion as a means for justifying their own selfish interests by demonizing those who don’t passively buy into all their tommyrot. They skillfully use their facility for heaping disdain on others as justification for denying others their rightful place in society. Few do a better job of that than the likes of Sarah Palin, Pat Roberts and others of like mind. Do they use God or serve God?

Then, in the wake of Mitt Romney’s claim to the presidential nomination, there is a spate of discourse about his affiliation with and history in the Mormon Church. That is an interesting question.

I grew up in Wyoming among Mormons and got a hefty dose of their grand fairytale in my formative years. Later, while stationed on Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands, a few of my buddies and I happened to have stopped for a tour of the Mormon Temple on the windward side of the island. Our tour guide was a powerful, dark-skinned Hawaiian. He was a good tour guide and shared some of his experiences and insights about his Mormon faith. One of his many beliefs was that, someday, because of his belief in the Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints, he would become white. That might have been something that would have played well in the early history of the Deep South, but it was a bit over the top for any sane mind among my tour group on that particular day.

Some years ago, I had a very good friend who was studying for his Master’s Degree at one of our nation’s premier colleges. He chose to address, as his Master’s Thesis, the question of whether or not the Mormon Church actually met the criteria that would qualify it as a religion. In order to complete the requirements for his degree, he had to adhere to the rigors of study and analysis that would lead him to the logical conclusion of his thesis. His conclusion was that the Mormon Church did not meet the criteria for a bona fide religion but, rather, could only be classified as a “sex-centered social club.”

Some have dubbed it a “cult,” and rightfully so. Much of what they believe and practice is shrouded in secrecy. Secrecy and ritual seem to be the essence of organizations that have a need to withhold truth from those who would dare to question their assertions. Many of their traditional beliefs, such as polygamy and racial inferiority have only been tempered by some professed “divine revelation,” that told the elders that what they were practicing could impede the “mission” of the church, and might even be in direct conflict with the laws of the land.

Joseph Smith, the founding father of Mormonism, appears to occupy the pre-eminent position in the hierarchy of prophets and apostles in the Mormon Church whose numbers would dwarf those among other faiths who followed, suffered and died for Christ and God’s Kingdom on earth. The small band of true believers led the followers to their promised land on the shores of the Great Salt Lake, gave them a legacy of the joys of polygamy, racial discrimination and volumes of copy and ritual that no sane person could reasonably and seriously entertain. The more rational among them saw the light, asked too many questions and took flight. The faithful remained, jumped the bones of their harems, paid their tithes and filled the coffers of the Church with great wealth.

There was an emissary from Salt Lake City who was sent to collect the tithes from a colony of Mormons in California during its “Gold Rush” history who had strayed from their ranks. A man by the name of Sam Brennan was the titular head of that colony. When confronted by the demand that he hand over the tithes he had collected to Brigham Young’s emissary, he informed the delegate that he would gladly turn over the tithes only when he was presented with a receipt signed by the Lord Himself. The delegation was forced to return, empty handed, to the land of plenty on the shores of the Great Salt Lake.

The wealthy and privileged among them became more influential and more powerful. With time, their progeny donned their suits, got on their bicycles and dutifully spread across the land and, indeed, the world to preach truth from the Doctrine and Covenants, known as the Book of Wisdom, and convert all those to whom they preached the truth of Mormonism. Those who died in a state of ignorance of the Mormon Church were to be summarily baptized, posthumously, in order for the faithful to embrace them as members of the “one true faith,” to whom their souls had been entrusted. Presidents Past smiled from their celestial temple. The Ghost of Joseph Smith was pleased, and the Angel Maroni sounded his horn in jubilation.

Although it is categorically denied as a practice in modern-day Mormonism, if one peers into the backwaters of Utah, Northern Arizona, Idaho, Texas and other remote environs of the West and Southwest, the vestigial remnants of their more dubious practices are still very much in evidence as part of their system of beliefs. There are countless other “secrets” of the faith that still remain sequestered in their archives and beyond of the reach of scholars not of the faith.

One thing, however, remains certain. They have an answer for everything.

Mitt Romney, having had the audacity to equate his time as a missionary in France for the Mormon Church equal to the sacrifice made by millions of men and women who have served and died in the service to this country is an affront to us all. It defies reason and logic, and certainly does not deserve the trust and confidence we place in those we elect to public office, particularly to the highest office in the land. His pillage and plunder of the economy of this country seems to be more in keeping with his experience and talents in the role of a so-called “business man,” If anything, were he a truthful man, he would hang his head in shame for having been a part of the rapacious behavior of Bain Capital and other business ventures that have profited at the expense of so many held hostage to their mercy.

I think it can be safely concluded that Mitt Romney is a member of the one percent that is enslaving the remaining ninety-nine percent of the people of this country. Further, he has shown that truth to him is, at best, elusive. He has shown that he has no compunction whatsoever, about his chameleon-like posturing on any issue that may be germane to his quest for the presidency.

I have a lot of issues with Barack Obama. I cannot argue with his oratorical skills, his personal charm and his professed political and social beliefs. However, as skilled and talented as he may be in other ways, he is clearly not a leader. When push comes to shove, he will always favor the rich and powerful at the expense of the common people of this country – the Middle and Working Class. Perhaps not to the extent that Mitt Romney would, but he has a track record of being much too cozy and accommodating to those on Wall Street, Corporate America, the Military/Industrial Complex and previous members of Bill Clinton’s Administration.

Come Election Day, I will vote for Barack Obama. If I could reincarnate Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, or John F. Kennedy, any one of them would take precedence over what we have. Why? Because each one of them was clearly a leader in the finest and best sense of the word; men of courage. Obama, at best, is a “facilitator.” Consensus does not trump courage and fortitude in serving the urgent needs of this country at the present time. Were he a strong, decisive and clearly a committed member of the political party he represents, I would be much more comfortable. But, to vote for Mitt Romney, in protest, would be totally irrational, disastrous for the future of the United States of America and an assault on the democracy we hold so dear.

In the meantime, we must attach our utmost importance to ------

                          • Getting money out of politics.
                          • Restoring confidence in government.
                          • Restoring independence and private ownership to the news media.
                          • Supporting the creation of a viable third political party.

Cowboy Bob
The Sagebrush Philosopher
June 11, 2012

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