Monday, July 23, 2012

"The Careerists"

Every discipline and academic field of endeavor has its share of outstanding minds, all of whom contribute a great deal to our understanding of the world we live in.  We would be much the poorer were it not for them.  However, there are a few "superstars," who seem to have  particularly poignant insights into and broader brush strokes of the panoramas they paint for us.  Two that most impress me are Chris Hedges of and Bill Moyers of Public Broadcasting.

On Common Dreams today, July 13, 2012, you will find a published article titled, "The Careerists" by Chris Hedges that is one of the most brilliant assessments of the players who figure most prominently in the sad state of affaris reeling around our heads today.  Chris says it most succinctly in one sentence of this treatise.  "They do the little chores that make vast, complicated systems of exploitation and death a reality."  You will be doing yourself a disservice if you do not take the time to read this particular piece.  It is well worth the effort.

Cowboy Bob
The Sagebrush Philosopher
July 23, 2012   

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