Sunday, May 19, 2013


I owe all my loyal friends, acquaintances and curiosity seekers a profound apology. 

I subscribe to a monitoring service for my blog postings for what I hope will be a mechanism for keeping me organized and abreast of what I may be putting out there for an unsuspecting consumer public.  I would be less than honest if I did not acknowledge that I am interested in my readership, not only in terms of numbers, but in terms of the comments that are proferred, as well. 

What I write is a reflection of my own perspective on the world and world events.  I am not out to convert anyone to my way of thinking nor to inflict my own set of biases on those who may choose to read what I have written.  I place a lot of stock in integrity, in all its forms.  Beyond that, take it for what it is worth.  We all know that, if we want to be offended, there will always be a few out there who will be more than happy to oblige us.  I respect your perceptions of the world as as much as I would hope you would respect mine. 

Now, for the big cahunah!  I have been writing this blog since 2007, and the biggest mystery I have had to contend with is "where in the world are all those comments that seem to be missing?"  Well, folks, I have to confess that the frailties of my mind are such that I never looked in the right place for that information.  Today, quite by accident, I was pleasantly surprised and somewhat overwhelmed by the discovery of the repository of all the comments going back to 2007.  I was completely stunned at all of you good people who must have concluded sometime ago that I did not give one hoot in hell about what you thought.  I cannot think of one thing we can do to others that is more insulting than to completely ignore their good efforts on our behalf.  For that I am truly sorry and hope you will forgive me for what must surely be the increasing fragility of an aging mind!

On February 10, 2013 I wrote a blog titled, "Time Is No Longer Simply A Choice.," which I failed to post.  I took care of that oversight earlier today in case some of you might want to peruse it. 

Let me end this by stating, unequivocally, that you are a special bunch to me and, with the help of Providence, I will do a much better job of demonstrating that in the future.  In the meantime keep well, be happy and may the wind be always at your back.

Cowboy Bob
May 20, 2013

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