Wednesday, August 7, 2013

“Is It Not Time To Just Get Back To Basics?”

As the aging process claims ever so much more of the life force remaining within all of us, I am, in particular, extremely grateful for every human contact I have had in the course of my journey.  I think of the knowledge, wisdom and insights I have gained from workmates, the casual conversations in the departure lounges of airports, the interactions with seatmates on long, international flights, and the numerous brief encounters with people of all sorts in the course of my everyday life.  There isn’t one who hasn’t made me a better person in some perhaps small, but significant, way.  For all of that, I am most grateful.

My treasure trove of lifetime memories with real people is far more important and valuable than what I see with a current generation totally fixated on electronic devices that enables them to tune out everyone around them and engage in some sort of perverted communication with another humanoid who shares their aversion to the life blood, soul and storehouse of life’s experiences with someone who has lived.  Little do they know they are much the poorer for it?  One of my rules for daily living is that I forbid the use of those devices in my company and I will leave the room if anyone fails to respect me and who violates that precondition.  Does it bother me?  Not one bit. 

I have written a lot about my concerns regarding all that is happening to our country, those in public office sworn to serve us, the people, and the ever-increasing exploitation of the human condition and the most vulnerable among us.  Given what I see, I take no reassurance that much of what I have written has probably fallen on blind eyes.  We have finally reached the pinnacle of corruption on a grand scale, from every institution of government, the entire financial empire and the corporate capitalists whose only goal in life is to pillage and plunder as much as possible of what they no longer need, but simply covet from a pathological and out-of-control need for money and power. 

People seem to have reached the point where they are willing to gamble on what the future holds for all of us, so long as they get all they can as quickly as possible, the rest of humanity be damned.  They rationalize their own greed with abandon.  They demonize those who are having a tough time just making ends meet.   But, so long as I have more than I need, who really cares?  What difference does it make?  Globalization, global warming, environmental pollution, disparity in wealth and the basic necessities of life, human dignity and worth, governments that steal with much more skill than they govern, etc.  Who cares?  They seem to simply ignore the mountains of scientific knowledge that is shouting to the rooftops – “What is coming down on us is a one-way street.  It cannot be reversed.  It will, eventually, bite us all in the backside.  Get real!”  The answer is dead silence.  Live for the moment.  Have fun and be happy – in all its self-indulgent and perverted forms.  We are quickly becoming economically, politically and socially bankrupt. 

The fact that virtually every facet of our government and the hoards of parasites that bleed it for all they can get are self-evident.  Secrecy and discretion long ago gave way to blatant disregard for any form of public morality or standards of honest conduct.  Go for broke, the bottom-feeders living on the edge be damned! 

Every sullied and tarnished form of private and public commerce is regarded as fair game.  Nothing is off limits.  Just look at our paralyzed government comfortably ensconced in our nation’s capitol and the surrounding environs of all those hoping the established hierarchy will throw them a crumb once in a while.  But, the average person seems to be hell-bent on giving them all a free pass.  Is it because they cannot fathom the seriousness of what they are doing to us, or is it because they are simply too passive and complacent to expend the time and energy to even try?   

The nomenclature for the standards governing ethical, moral and honest behavior is really quite simple and easily understood.  The following definitions are courtesy of Merriam-Webster.  Permit me:

·        Common:  of or relating to a community at large.
·        Common sense:  sound and prudent judgment based on a single perception of the situation or facts.
·        Conflict of interest:  a conflict between the private interests and the official responsibilities of a person in a position of trust.
·        Credible: offering reasonable grounds for being believed.
·        Integrity:  firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values
·        Simplicity:  the state of being simple, uncomplicated or uncompounded; freedom from pretense or guile; directness of expression; restraint in ornamentation.
·        Transparency:  the quality or state of being transparent.
·        Trust:  assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something; one in which confidence is placed.

The above list is, by no means, exhaustive but it does show that the indicators for being genuine, honest and forthright are not complicated but, rather, quite simple.  Why do those in public service seem to have such an aversion to adopting them?

I recall an English professor I had in college.  She was a middle aged woman, rather buxom, with flaming red hair and very animated.  She had done her doctoral thesis by living among the “Alaskan Sourdoughs.”  On the first day of class she made it abundantly clear that she most treasured the art and grace of simplicity.  As she said, “I am not the least bit interested in your attempts to impress me with your ability to manipulate the English language.  So, when you are inclined to convey to me your ability to perambulate down the boulevard, will you kindly just walk down the gawd damned street?”  I have tried to remain true to the spirit of that bit of wisdom.   

At some point, it seems to me that the average person has to become so saturated with being exploited and patronized by a ruling elite that they will say, “enough is enough,” and start to move this country in the right direction. 

Honesty and all its manifestations are not difficult to understand nor apply with a certain facility.  Those who would continue to deceive us, the populace, need to reflect on that fundamental tenet and assess who they are and where they are in the grand scheme of things before it all comes back to bite them in the ass, as it surely will.
Have you noticed that the so-called political parties operating on the fringe and that are vociferous during the campaigns for national political office, fall silent the minute the polls are closed and the votes are counted?  Where are they now and what are is their game plan?  Don’t they have a thought in their heads that just might help to raise questions about and put in place the means to change the complexion of this country, and become active change agents for all they profess and want us to be?

Where are the Green Party, Rocky Anderson and the Justice Party, and Buddy Roemer and the Freedom Party, with all of their prominent spokespeople?  Can’t they see what is happening to this country?  Why do they, and we, have to wait for the next election cycle?  Time has not stood still, as far as I can see.  Surely they still have a definitive role to play on myriad issues constantly before the people of this country.  If nothing else they can help to keep us informed, educated and sufficiently agitated to want to do something meaningful about what is going on.  

Did their ideas for a few new and, hopefully better political parties simply vanish when the polls closed?  Did they become devoid of any original thought when the votes were counted, only to wait another four years before they raised their heads in protest once again?  Are they more interested in public office than public service?  If so, we should rethink what they are all about and look for better alternatives.  It is an inescapable fact of life that this country must have some courageous, committed and determined political parties to seriously challenge the alliance of Republicanism and Democrats that have
a strangle-hold on the nation, its people and all we cherish.   

This country has the finest collection of universities, colleges and think tanks imaginable.  Therein lays one of our greatest resources that never seem to be called upon to commit to the service of this country and its people.  Their knowledge, alone, would vaporize the massive corruption and obscene wealth that keeps most of us in a constant state of living on the edge, with each passing day more of us falling into the abyss of abject poverty and despair.  Surely some force, or collection of forces, can mobilize them into getting us to move toward a better future.

What is preventing us from calling on the rank and file citizens of this country to serve on purpose-built commissions to study issues, and refine and revitalize the means for making it all happen?  When the purpose(s) have been resolved, they pack up their bags and go back to the lives they lived before.  Squatters rights on any government service, with the speed and skill they use to corrupt the system and lace their pockets with the money, perquisites and all of the under-the-table favors they incur never stop engaging in patently illegal and self-serving practices.  Most of that could and should be stopped forthwith and without further adieu! 

Just imagine how refreshing it would be to silence all of those orators who bore us with their deceptive practices that they have mastered so well, and serve up to us every day of our lives?  Just having a respite from Diane Feinstein’s political drawl would be a welcome relief.  Taking God from the Tea Party and putting their genie back in the bottle would be like a breath of fresh air blowing over the parched lands of the Western United States.

The political establishment has made “compromise” a dirty word.  It is a euphemism for lacing their pockets at the expense of the taxpayers.  They have been accorded far too much deference, secrecy, money and power for that not to have happened. 

All of those of you who have risen to the pinnacle of your professions and vocations, and who have this country at heart, have a moral obligation to get off your duffs, enlist agents of change and turn this sad state of affairs around.  To do less is an indictment of you and all that you represent.  A first step, and a crucial step, would be to publicly call out the crooks on Wall Street and in Washington, D.C., and reintroduce them to all the virtues subsumed under accountability, public service and public trust; how to recognize them, how to acquire them and how to practice them.  You certainly have the law on your side.   

At the end of the day, “Absolute freedom, if not nurtured, will become the barbaric state.”  That is a dimple fact of life and, sadly, I fear we are perilously close to having arrived at that point, or we already have given up and are prepared to let the chips fall where they may. 

This country and its entire people are made of good stuff.  The spirit of ’76 still courses through our veins.  It is time to revisit that fact, breath new life into it and put it back into service for everyone.

Virtue will always be found in simplicity and basic human decency, the spin doctors not withstanding. 

Cowboy Bob
The Sagebrush Philosopher
August 7, 2013  



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